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Old Oct 29, 2007, 07:31 PM // 19:31   #41
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Attitude, definitely. If someone is willing to learn, I can usually teach them whatever they need to know to finish a given zone. But there's not a damned thing I can do to make an asshole not an asshole.

I might add that...
Originally Posted by SotiCoto
stuck-up, sociopathic arseholes who ignore the team-leader...
...often results in a broken aggro and/or overaggro just as much as a "noob" who charges in or doesn't watch their radar well. And...
...and abuse other members of the team whenever they make a mistake...
...often results in time wasted squabbling, poorer play from the criticized team member trying to play in a "uncriticizable" way, and ragequits that doom the team. I don't care how good of an orders necro you think you are; you aren't worth losing the monk halfway through because they got fed up with your insults.

Originally Posted by TheRaven
The arrogant "OMG UR SOOO STOOPID!!!" jerks are noobs too. I haven't met one yet that was truly a good player. They spend all their energy griping and none fighting.
I agree. Players who insult others are generally very poor players themselves.

Originally Posted by leprekan
Golden rule ... anyone or any group calling itself "pro" is best avoided.
Quoted for profound truth. Self-declared "pro" players never are. The same usually goes for "exp" players too.

Btw: Nice thread concept, SotiCoto.
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Old Oct 29, 2007, 07:35 PM // 19:35   #42
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Originally Posted by elektra_lucia
Stuck up people maybe, so often arseholes are nice people underneath, but the nice people are arseholes. Unless I'm in a specific mood, I won't hang around long enough to educate someone at the game. Again, it depends. Some people make a good impression regardless of if they're arseholes or not.
Coming from you..that totally figures you would say that hahahaha.

I don't like playing with jerks, but I'm not always in the mood to teach people either. I like to play with people that can handle the game on their own and mind their own business for the most part. Or at least don't have to be retards in the MMO definition.

As for that dude that had his guildie get trash talked too because of his armor. Most people seem to think that Platemail is noob armor and that if you don't have 15k or something, you're horrible. Those people are the retards I was talking about.
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Old Oct 29, 2007, 07:42 PM // 19:42   #43
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I'm a polite Noob trying to change and learn for the best still don't get into very many groups due to hero's. But when I do I always do my best to follow orders. I just don't get very much time to play but when I do I kinda wish I had people to play with.
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Old Oct 29, 2007, 07:52 PM // 19:52   #44
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Yeah, that whole "you must have Elite Armor or get lost!" attitude sucks. I've encountered that too often when trying to fit into a Deep or Fow pug. The elite jerks seem to think that if you don't have Elite armor you aren't a good enough player to buy it. Personally, I have enough gold in storage to buy a full set of Obsidian armor if I wanted it. I don't. I buy whichever armor set I think looks the best. Fortunately I thought the cheapo stuff looked best.

Also a good rule of thumb is never join the pugs in town that are saying:
"GLF more for mission/bonus. 5/8 - ******** EXP ONLY ****** NO RETARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Also if someone joins your pug and the only thing they are capable of saying after joining is "gogogogo!!! Go now! go! go!! go!!!", just kick 'em before leaving and save yourself some headaches later.
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Old Oct 29, 2007, 07:58 PM // 19:58   #45
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attitude .
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Old Oct 29, 2007, 08:44 PM // 20:44   #46
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I'll take aptitude. I only PuG if I want something done, and done right. And it's rare that my heros can't suffice.
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Old Oct 29, 2007, 09:04 PM // 21:04   #47
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I H/H most everything in PvE because of the sad lack of either to be found in most PUG's.

If I played PvP in GW, aptitude ftw (literally ftw).
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Old Oct 29, 2007, 09:19 PM // 21:19   #48
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Would you sooner team up with people who are very individually capable at the game, but are stuck-up, sociopathic arseholes who ignore the team-leader and abuse other members of the team whenever they make a mistake...
I prefer these people, because I like them more. Plus, it means I can rage my face off at them if they screw up, which usually stops their bad attitudes almost straight away.
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Old Oct 29, 2007, 09:28 PM // 21:28   #49
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I think... I prefer my heroes. They have both [or atleast Ollie does]: attitude and aptitude.
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Old Oct 29, 2007, 09:28 PM // 21:28   #50
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It depends on my mood.

When I finished the game and just want to help out with something, attitude is good even when skills are not, I can get a good laugh and have fun doing it.

When doing a serious misson or quest or elite area, I prefer a person speaks things that matters and effectively, screw the pleasantries and get things done right.
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Old Oct 29, 2007, 09:34 PM // 21:34   #51
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lets face it...most of the time your not really forced to make that choice....well atleast i dont...most of the time your faced with a mixture or players with mid skill levels. so yea this thread is utterly pointless...
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Old Oct 29, 2007, 09:34 PM // 21:34   #52
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Originally Posted by Dr Strangelove
Both. Generally the people with bad builds are also the idiots who refuse to change their leetsauce riposte necro build for anyone.

... and I like it.

Anyho, stuck between competent assholes and friendly noobs?
Uuuhh... If I've got time to waste, the noobs. If not, the assholes. Simple as that.

Though... I'd probably try and solo it if H/H / Guildies were out of the question.
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Old Oct 29, 2007, 09:54 PM // 21:54   #53
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I would pick polite noobs, in my opinion they are much better than "skilled" players, because they will usually accept advice or instructions, meaning a smoother trip. The "skilled" players will have their own uber-leet (Tm) way of doing it...

Avoid "pro" and "exp" teams at all costs. Avoid anything which consdiders having r3 Hero to be uber-leet (Tm).

However, I always like to have one "skilled player" ie "git" on my team so that we can all shout at them when they start getting all "pro" on us
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Old Oct 29, 2007, 09:55 PM // 21:55   #54
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a team of Gregory House *shudders*
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Old Oct 29, 2007, 09:59 PM // 21:59   #55
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I prefer a group that likes to have fun and knows what they are doing. I dont like assholes that only want loot and are stubborn. basically I only play with guildies normally because they are the only ones I trust.
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Old Oct 29, 2007, 10:02 PM // 22:02   #56
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ATTITUDE!!!! I'd rather take a person in my party who will be co-operative and want to work together and succeed. Someone who won't mind taking advice about what skills they could be using to help ensure success. Someone who gives positive input into the party's make-up and skill sets.

You can keep the noobs (and I DON'T mean Newbs) who won't listen to advice about improving their skill bar, even when the one they swear by is absolute crap. You can keep the elitist jack-asses that think they're the only ones that know how every profession should be played and if you don't conform to their wishes and do it their way, "you suck and should go die." And the ones who INSIST that they know where to go/how to do a mission or quest who actually don't...AAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
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Old Oct 29, 2007, 10:08 PM // 22:08   #57
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Anyone who thinks they know how best to do every profession in every situation is wrong. And a git. When I'm leading a party, I might interfere wit the rangers' builds (being a ranger myself), but I don't know much about monks/mesmers/ritualists, so I won't tell them how to be a monk/mesmer/ritualist. I just tell themwhat they need to accomplish, and they take what they think they need (after all, the monk will know moreabout being a monk than the ranger will).
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Old Oct 29, 2007, 10:21 PM // 22:21   #58
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Originally Posted by Equaliser
I am currently in a guild with very few activity players so I have plenty of experience with PuG groups.

In my experience people who think they are great and show it seldom displayed their skills when in missions. They would usually die after couple of encounters then blame the tank for no tanking or the monk for not healing then leave. Your group will then be forced to resign or continue without them.

Whereas you can generally compete a mission with newbies who are welling to learn. It may take more time giving them instructions but they generally get the job done.

So I have to say attitude certainly beat aptitude.
i only have 2 other active members in my guild, so i have alot of PuG experience as well, and IMO, there is more to it, then the arrogant and the nOOb, as a matter a fact, I think i see a mixture of the two more often than not, for example, im sure youve teamed with someone who is not only arrogant and wont listen, but also sucks too, its happen too many times, where someone draws a line on the map, and some dude aggros a group and then has the nerve to run back to us with the time it was monk who did this, give that food for thought. as for the pro player being arrogant, luckily, i havent really run into those yet, most of the good players ive teamed with have nice attitudes. but there is just one proffession i refuse to use in a PuG, that is the is just not right. they need to remove monks from guild wars for GW2, that is the worst profession in the game for should not exist. ive gotten in too many fights, i just hate when a warrior runs into aggro, dies in 3 hits, and then calls me the n00b...
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Old Oct 29, 2007, 10:30 PM // 22:30   #59
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IF Attitude > Aptitude THEN

ELSEIF Aptitude > Attitude THEN


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Old Oct 29, 2007, 10:34 PM // 22:34   #60
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It always amuses me to wonder how many of the people posting here are the arrogant gits or the "pros"...
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